
Monday, March 16, 2015

How to Choose a Sewing Machine, Beginner Edition

So you want to purchase a sewing machine, yet you're a beginner and you're not sure what to look for, what features you'll need, what brands to trust, where to buy, how much to spend...?

I'm still a beginner but I have sewn a little and purchased a lot; over the last two years or so, I've come to some conclusions about what is necessary and unnecessary for someone who is learning the basics of sewing and tailoring.  The blogosphere is filled with advice, much of it very good; you'll likely find some recommendations counter to my own, so take it all in and enjoy the decision.

Approaching your first (or first several) machine(s) requires answering some questions about needs and wants.  Even if you don't know much at all about sewing, you can narrow the bewildering number of machine options to the point that your possible intimidation will be mitigated.

What do you want to sew?

For whom are you planning to sew -- yourself, your husband or wife, children, your home, a charity or church?

Do you have specific plans or are you more in love with the idea of sewing?

Learning anything takes time.  How much time do you have and is it scheduled or more random?

What is your budget, including the many other accessories you'll need in addition to the machine itself?

Repairing a machine is very interesting and can be enjoyable on its own.  It's also much less expensive than having it repaired.  Are you interested in a machine you can repair?

Will you have a dedicated sewing area or will you have to put the machine away after each time it's used?  How much space do you have?

Will you be carrying the machine to classes or sewing groups?

Some machines are combination sewing/embroidery machines.  Does embroidery interest you?

Do you have physical limitations that must be considered re. a machine's design and accessibility?

Is the brand of machine important to you?

Will you be sewing in an area visible to others?  Does the design of the machine matter to you?

Are you certain you want a new machine or does a used machine appeal to you?  If you're set on a new machine, have you considered what you want from a warranty and from a seller?

If you've selected a machine to purchase, do you know anyone who owns the same or similar machine?  How much research have you done?  Do you have alternate choices?


I'll add to this list as needed.  And I'll add some recommendations when I have time to jot them down.  Good luck with your decision!  Any questions you'd like to ask me privately?  Shoot me an e-mail!


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