
Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Thrift is wisdom. 

This is a blog is dedicated to saving money while still acquiring some great stuff and enjoying life.  Your comments are always welcome; please write in the comments sections following each blog entry.

Sewing Machines and Related


Cool Stuff

In My Garden


Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite Nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy.

- Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955


  1. Wow, quite a collection. I'm trying to hold mine at an even dozen...

    1. Thank you! I went on a buying spree a while back but have since slammed on the brakes. Most of them were about $30 or less. I've come up with a few rules for myself:

      1) Since I'll probably never overcome my sewing machine addiction, I won't try to stop collecting but I will try to tightly manage my inventory.

      2) At this point, whenever I acquire another machine, I must get rid of one I already own.

      3) Collect instead of acquire. Be willing to spend more and get the highest quality instead of the greatest quantity. Buy the more rare machines or ones I'll actually use rather than ones that will become doorstops.

      Thanks for commenting and I'd love to take a look at your machines. Hope to see you again soon.

  2. You are organized great. I need to list my machines on my blog like you did. It is hard to say I won't buy anymore, when there is a cute machine in the thrift store wanting a new home.

    1. Thanks, Thin Man! I enjoyed posting all those pictures, although you've probably noticed I still have a bunch of writing to do.

      Like you, I'm a sucker for a machine sitting on a shelf needing some TLC. I'm really into Kenmores (Can you tell?) but I'll give a good look to any kind of sewing machine, especially the vintage, all-metal variety.

      And I still need to learn to sew. Thankfully, there are great blogs like yours. Keep in touch and hope to see you again soon!
